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Best for better health
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Best for better health

Eat turkey, chicken, duck .... Or other birds, only if necessary to eat meat, or if you can not stop eating meat..

Eat vegetables if possible organic without pesticides or chemical fertilizers, do not just eat lettuce and tomatoes, explore further and test others that are sources of vitamins and minerals, all fruits, nuts, roots (carrots, radishes, onions ... etc) sprouts and leaves.

Eat like people in Thailand and India, never use milk with food, use water, almond milk, honey, spices and you can get a seasoning that you like it, just using species and your creative fantasy that delight your palate.

All fried, cooked or raw vegetables; you can make omelets with all these things, use lentils, chickpeas. If you have dandelion in your garden or nettles and other herbs you have, they are useful too.

In Thailand and India usually meals are vegetarian, for many generations they use all that can grow on the earth; it is why I think it will be a great help if you buy a cookbook - vegetarian Thai or Hindu, and you can create a fantastic and magical food without using meat, making your whole family begins to enjoy these wonderful dishes. It is very interesting to take a new recipe from a new cookbook with different alternatives that allow you to create new nutritious and healthy choices for you and your family. 

Test and experiment without fear by using new species and combinations, but absolutely do not use concentrated cubes and synthetic or artificial flavors that cause cancer and allergy. Think you're paying a price for a bad meal and get a bad health, it costs more money to be critical of the things you eat and buy, but it costs much more not be critical and only live traditionally, and eating as usual without seeking options that allow you to live healthy and with quality.

I know it's hard to change our way of eating, but if you're used to your pain, your arthritis, gastritis, eczema, migraines, sleep poorly at night and have a low immune system, it is not necessary that you change anything ; but if you want good health, a life with quality, and reach old age without pain or problems, or alzheimer and take care of yourself until your last days, then you need to start living with these new forms.

You live today with a commitment and a great risk to enter diseases.

You can try to start living in harmony with nature and give your body and cells what they need.